Friday, June 13, 2008

You're just not couth!

Cripes, the weather sucks. How wonderful it is to live in the Midwest and get our yearly below freezing wind chill, blizzards, hardly any spring, hot humid summers, tornados, floods, and microbursts. Yay!

Lord love those people in Iowa. Okay God, time to let up, they've had enough. By the time this all actually crests it'll be dumping into southern Illinois. The corn prices are gonna sky rocket, that's fer shure.

Finally I've taken the time to start in on the pile and a half of vhs tapes and play the conversion game again. Yesterday I did a couple of smart Alice Brady flicks, Broadway to Hollywood and Metropolitan. I need to rewatch Metropolitan, it's got the great voice of Lawrence Tibbett in it, and a decent performance by Virginia Bruce. Very irrational, but I don't normally like her, probably because of how badly she treated John Gilbert. Stupid way to be but I can't help it. She is rather decent in Downstairs also.

I've got Ian Richardson in the House of Cards series here for the weekend viewing - so nasty, so delish. And he was in one of my all time faves Dark City. Now there's one I need to pull outta the vaults! There was supposed to be a special edition of that released but I haven't seen squat about it finalized. Another pipe dream.

I got the husband to sit down and watch Born Yesterday with me a couple of weeks ago and he really liked it. I dunno what I'm going to try next, maybe I'll get him going with some good John Wayne. Maybe I'll get him hooked on Stagecoach, or pick something in color like The Sons of Katie Elder. Don't want to put the man in total fear of black and white by showing it too much, a little break of technicolor won't hurt.

Double negative right? Right!

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