Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How bad is it when my excitement for the day are two shirts shipped to me by Land's End in my big ole MamaSan size...and they were purchased on sale? Whooo hooooo!

Currently I am awaiting the big ash blast from Mount Redoubt in Alaska. It's located kinda at the beginning of the Alaskian Tail, as I call it, the cat tail that swishes out into the Pacific and curls toward Sarah Palin's favorite furrin country Ruskie. I used to get on my kid's butt about being into massive destruction like earthquakes and tsunamis, but I gotta admit, a volcano erupting is exciting - you can read more on Redoubt here - http://www.avo.alaska.edu/activity/Redoubt.php.

Thankfully the holidays were survived with brains intact. I happily received copies of the Warner Brothers X-mas Vol 2, Road House, Popeye Vol 3, and a few other fine films, and a newer collection of Robot Chicken. The husband doesn't get it, but I do. That reminds me, I have to find my copies of the first two seasons for a friend at work.

I'm still following the Caylee Anthony case. I was in danger of becoming a bit obsessive with it but have decided to scale back on the net blogs and sites. Being back to work after having the holidays off helps, if only I'm too busy to be searching and reading stuff all day. I'd still flip the switch on that broad, with no regrets. Child killers and molesters forfeit their rights in my thinking.

I'm starting to get a wee bit more interested in the Oscars. I have no desire to see BB and Brad Pitt at all, it's a rental. Of course it'll grab a few awards, but I really have my hopes placed on Slumdog Millionaire. Yes, there are parts of it that can be construed as trite or overdone, as in 'sheesh we've seen that before' but the actors are so charming, the story refurbished so well, and after all, there's no crime in having a tale end as it does here. Sometimes it's good to be led by the nose and down the hall out into the yard, you are happy to take that ride. Of special note is Anil Kapoor who has been in I-don't-know-how-many Bollywood films. I'm hoping that perhaps we'll see more films from India end up being nommed for Oscars. Slumdog is not a Bollywood film by any means but perhaps it will open that door just a little wider.

Top Chef is a little over half way done. As the episodes have gone on I've enjoyed them more, and now we have a new season of Hell's Kitchen also. Now I'm to the point where I anticipate the next TC show, and have high hopes for three of the chefs that are still in contention. At first I wasn't really enjoying this season but as I suspected, when some of the dead weight was told to pack their knives and go it became more watchable.

I'd better go look for those Robot Chicken discs.

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