Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stirred, Not Shaken

Gee, I love getting my kid back to school. It's like having a second job. In fact, when a child is in school, you do have a second job...and a third...and a fourth.

Also...since we last met we have obtained (that being the polite way to put it, landed on is more likely) a new kitty - Tarzan Charlie. I will have a picture here for posterity. I'd love to get a picture of he and our other male Ringo together - one where they aren't trying to chew each other's ears up. He's so black he shines, and in the sunshine one can see where his stripes show...obviously there is a tabby in his lineage. He's gained five pounds since we got his scrawny and bowlegged bundle of yoweling fur in the house and that's a great accomplishment. He should have his own blog called Tee Pee the House with Tarzan Charlie, but alas, he cannot type yet. Someday.

Anita Page has passed on...not so much a shame since the lady was 98, but I was sure she would have made it to 100. Let's see if the Academy bothers to put her into their dead people rundown at the 2009 ceremonies. Bets anyone? My favorite role of her's is in the movie Night Court as a woman who gets caught up in the clutches of baaaaaad judge Walter Huston. Huston is a real lowdown and nasty dude in this, Philips Holmes is great as the husband who comes to the rescue. Nice little film. She was a treat in Skyscraper Souls and Our Blushing Brides also. I'm not as familiar with her silents as I should be, seen a couple but not all. I've seen Free and Easy but it's been so many dang years I don't quite remember her role. Just another on the list to see again.

Unfortunately my head is starting to split so that's all for now folks. More mediocrity later, I promise.

PS - In case Cindy Anthony reads this, which I doubt since she doesn't have the IQ of a dead grasshopper, yes your daughter is a murderer. If it was my daughter telling such whoppers and pretending not to know where she disposed of her child's body I'd chain her to the back of my van and do 85 mph down the freeway til she talked. Your daughter is a skank, you've got nobody but yourself to blame for her sociopathic behavior. I hear you like to google her name and sic your lawyers onto sites or message boards or blogs that say naughty naughty things about her. Guess what. We are right, you are wrong, and you need more help than five psychiatrists can give. That monster whore you call your daughter needs to be locked up before she ever breeds again. Now come and get me.

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