Friday, October 10, 2008

You were the one that got away

Indeed - they don't make 'em like him anymore.

I just had to watch Slap Shot the next day. No, it's hardly a movie of 'quality' in some eyes, but it features a great performance by Newman as the slightly over the hill slightly tacky hockey player/coach. And of course, the Hanson Brothers. It's terribly funny, and terribly poignant, and when you think of towns dying off, it's still the same now - maybe more so with the current economic situation.

I also picked up a copy of Road To Perdition, which oddly I'd never bought. I'm a big Connie Hall fan...I don't know, maybe I've just had other movies on my want list higher. There's nothing better lit than a scene with rain and Newman saying to Hanks "I'm glad it's you". For all that it's a gangster picture Newman has an elegance and poise in this role...his characters still tough as Cagney but tempered and weathered by his life's work.

If you can't swim, just remember the fall will kill you.
While I'm thinking of it...would it be so much to ask that our currently running for president people shut up? As in...stop being negative, pointing fingers, name calling, character assasination, he said/she said, nasty ass comment making, just shut the hell up? Present your point of view, and be nice about it. Don't label each other. It's the voters that can do the comparison shopping all on their own, thank you very much. Maybe the voters, which politicians seem to think are so stupid, could do a much better job if they didn't have to wade thru so much bullshit.
It may be time to get the hip boots out, it's getting mighty deep around here and we may need shovels before election day gets here.